if i ever actually make a comic with these ocs and get the universe out of my brain hole then this will be relevant. uh. enjoy these little oc cards i made

Founders and head honchos :)

They/them | Vampire | Undead in 1770
Fangloria Engineering Inc. Founder and Vampire's Nest Co-Founder
Oliver is considered the de facto leader of Fangloria and Vamp's Nest, with a sharp tongue and a bite to match. Though they speak with a slight stutter, they're keen on dramatic speeches and displays of showmanship that would look self aggrandizing were it anyone else. They have the experience and technical know-how to back up their promises of chaos and mayhem as well; they head two companies, Fangloria Engineering Inc. and Vampire's Nest. The former focuses on engineering new evil contraptions, and the latter is a multinational record label and underground punk club that doubles as their place of residence. They've been happily married to Salieri and Skrilliant since 1920.

They/xe/she/he (any) | Vampire | Undead in 1781
Fangloria Engineering Inc. Co-Founder and Vampire's Nest Founder
If Oliver is the brains of the operation, Salieri is the heart. They've been with Oliver and Skrilliant since the 1770s. Xe ditched the life of a catholic administrative assistant to travel with her partners and spend their newfound immortality collecting knowledge. They're more of a lover by nature, so he's often on the sidelines of Oliver's diabolical endeavors providing expertise or emotional support. Salieri's passion for music and fashion drove the trio to create the Vampire's Nest, and also found Salieri widespread acclaim after xir first studio album, "Musica Ignis", an experimental prog metal hybrid that launched them into the public eye.

It/its | Vampire | Undead in 1350s
Vampire's Nest Co-Founder
Skrilliant is the oldest of the three, born in France in the early 1300s. What little it remembers of its life are blood-soaked flashes that it likes to drown in substance abuse and week-long parties. Despite its many many vices, Skrilliant has found solace and comfort in its partners, the first people in its afterlife it feels it can really connect with. Skrilliant has discovered a few good pastimes in film; acting, editing, and simple enthusiasm for a well-made movie or stage production. Its forays into film have found it with a small but dedicated fanbase amongst goths and silent film enthusiasts.

They/them | Vampire | Employee since 1996
Vampire's Nest Venue Manager and Project Maestro
A silly and outgoing vampire, they were turned in 1996 and have been working at the Vampire's Nest ever since. They're a quick problem solver, and their efficient work style makes them a vital part of the Vamp's Nest ragtag crew. Work aside, most of the crew consider them a good friend despite their slightly naive attitude. Mimi enjoys sweets, breakcore, vocaloid, and arts and crafts.

She/they | Zombie | Employee since 2010
Vampire's Nest Venue Assistant and Project Executioner
Saren works as Mimi's underling in the Vampire's Nest. They're an excellent social networker with a great head for names and dates. While not on their job title, Saren can often be found in the front row when hardcore punk bands are performing. They're a natural hype-man, and with her and Mimi's energy working in tandem, Vamp's Nest performances are consistently legendary. Saren enjoys music (the harder the better), DnD, and lurking at the local mall.

They/them | Warewolf | Employee since 2000
Fangloria Engineering Inc. - Research and Development Product Inspection Master
Lillian is a straightforward, experienced, by-the-books warewolf that kicks ass and takes names. Meticulously. Their personality can come off as cold and detatched, but they have a deep passion for working with their hands and their mind, a master of multitasking and efficiency. Oliver hired them for their blunt attitude and hasn't regretted it since; Lillian advises, corrects, and perfects many of Oliver's (and Fangloria Engineering's) work as a whole. They enjoy raw meat, cold weather, blues music, and sudoku.

They/xe | Zombie | Employee since 2011
Vampire's Nest Senior Bartender
Brick is an energetic, boistrous, shit-talking zombie who's good for a joke and takes pride in xir work. The picture of a stereotypical sitcom bartender, they've been working long enough to know everyone's usual orders AND the raunchy details of their personal lives, though they're not much of a gossip themself. In their off time, they enjoy mountain biking, watching TV, reading communist theory, and hanging out with their friends in nature.

She/her | Vampire | Employee since 2020
Vampire's Nest Junior Bartender
Sophie is a stony-faced, deadpan-loving vampire with a wry sense of humor a lot of folk don't pick up on. She initially only took the job for some extra cash on weekends, but she likes the crew and the business enough to stick around for a while. (You'd never get her to admit it, but she's also got a bit of a crush on Brick.) She enjoys novelty knicknacks, witchcraft, the occult, and cats.

Xe/xir | Vampire | Employee since 2019
Vampire's Nest Janitorial Master
Outwardly quiet and impassive, Jonsey likes to focus on xir work more than socializing. This being the case, the Vampire's Nest is a VERY clean venue. Their closest work relationship is with Brick, who roped xem into hanging out a few times and has stuck around ever since. Jonsey has a keen interest in chemistry, 80's tech, cold war space exploration, and old movies.

She/her | Vampire | Employee since 2000
Fangloria Engineering Inc. Master Metalsmith
Larion is an outspoken vampire with a soft heart an a passion for the art of metallurgy and blacksmithing. Her skills are put to good use at Fangloria, bringing Oliver's diabolical machines to life and entering distribution with only the highest standards of quality. She's hard of hearing and often relies on sign language; in her spare time, she likes to tinker, paint, and go on night hikes with her wife Karen.

She/her | Vampire | Employee since 2001
Fangloria Engineering Inc Journeyman Metalsmith
Larion's wife and co-conspirator, Karen is a mellow vampire who loves working with metal for the boundless artistic forms it can take. Although prone to fits of artistic melancholy, she's clear-headed and driven enough to be a valuable asset to Fangloria Engineering. She enjoys goth and industrial music, as well as painting, hiking, and horseback riding.