Bonjour, et va te faire foutre.

My chosen name is Skrilliant of Nimes. I was born some time in the 15th century and died of pneumonia in my 30s. I'm a "naturally occurring" vampire, turned by a coincidence of weather, or magic, or perhaps the right cocktail of bacteria in the soil (Who knows? We've been working on it.) I was re-interred after three weeks of unchecked feeding frenzy with a stone in my mouth and a stake through my heart, but it was a restful sleep. I awoke in the 1660s to a changed world, full of death and disease and delicious feast. I travelled, sparred, made merry, and picked up many things along the way (my partners included. Or, did they pick me up?), until my wanderings took me here, to the modern day, on this modern mode of communication. How are you? Do you feel your time here is fleeting? I can barely blink but for the lifetimes of memories that flash behind my eyes. You have no time at all. No time at all is all the time you'll ever need. Consider polyamory for your next big adventure.
In the meantime, given that I can't die, I'll be over here experimenting with deliriants and goth music. Feel free to make yourself at home.
Interesting Reads:
Psychoactive Plants and Fungi (Comprehenisve Webguide)
Cadavers in Pearls: Meet the Anatomical Venus