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What's Portal?

Portal and its sequel, Portal 2, are first-person puzzle/perspective games developed by Valve, released in 2007 and 2011 respectively. Its silent protagonist, Chell, solves puzzles in the form of test chambers overseen and held hostage by antagonist GLaDOS ("Genetic Lifeform and Disc Operating System"). Portal's unique reality-bending gameplay and charmingly malicious antagonist made waves in the late 2000s, and by the time of Portal 2's release in 2011, its popularity exploded. Internet memes referencing the game and lines by its characters were almost inescapable; if you've been online at any point in the last twenty years, you've probably heard some. Although its popularity has waned in the years since its release, the Portal games are still gold-standard for story-driven puzzle/platformer games the world over.

Why Do I Love It?

The portal series informed a massive part of my early online experience from 2013 onward, fan animations on Flipnote Hatena and Youtube having introduced me to the games before I ever played them. (I've embedded a few of my favorites below.) It took some years before I had enough money to buy a PC capable of playing them, but finally experiencing them firsthand cemented them forever in my collection of favorite media. Portal's brain-bending puzzles were so cleverly designed that I don't think I've ever played a game that made me rely on spacial reasoning so heavily. Its isolated and impersonal atmosphere was as unsettling and frustrating as it was fun, and its setup for Portal 2's more streamlined and refined gameplay and plot was absolutely divine. GLaDOS' characterization as a cold unfeeling AI undone by her need for testing and her very very HUMAN feelings of rage and betrayal (and pettiness, and loneliness, and attachment) are simply divine. Ellen McLain's talent as a voice actor shines SO brightly in P2, she and Stephen Merchant MAKE this game. In addition to the spectacularly witty writing in both games, Chell's rivalry with GLaDOS and GLaDOS' (possibly?) one-sided toxic romance is perfection. On a more personal note, I think GLaDOS is a milf and the attempted murders and elaborate turret operas are the only way she knows how to express affection :)

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